Friday, August 8, 2014

Keeping An Electronic Journal

I'm not so sold on the quality of my blog entries. If I should say so myself, they all kind of sound forced & lack substance. I mean, here I am trying to keep an online journal, yet I can't help but critique myself for not sounding like myself..

Now the question is, how does myself usually sound? I actually have written (or typed) some previous works that I'm particularly proud of. And, these pieces had been published online some years ago. But like any other story, there's bad news - good news in the equation. Bad news being that the blog site where they were originally posted had been discontinued :(
However, the good news is I still have the files of my articles saved. So, it's dorky.. but it sure is helpful now ^_^ 

And as such, I have always wanted a chance to post them myself, so what better segue than this. So for the next few entries I will be posting in my blog the music reviews that I've written for Chinese music blog years ago. It's with the hope of being inspired and getting a spark to wake up my literary muse.
Trendy Man - 潮男正傳 is the album in the middle of the top row

Trendy Man - 潮男正傳
Artist: Show Luo - 羅志祥Released: 2008–December 26
Gold Typhoon Music (previously EMI Capitol Music) If there’s a phrase to describe a Show Luo (Luo Zhi Xiang) Album, it has got to be ‘fun & high-intensity dance music’. Trendy Man, his latest release, is no exception. In this album, Show Luo injects that sexy-mysterious element in his otherwise high-energy repertoire.
 [Track Listing retrieved from wikipedia] 1.    撐腰 Cheng Yao (Support)
-       This is a fun, up-beat song, coming real close to being a novelty (if it isn’t already). It’s a happy-happy, dance-y dance song – has that same happy comical-feel as ‘qiang si qiang si’ except better. In the MV, you’ll find a number of familiar faces in Taiwan showbiz who in their own fun-way contributed into a livelier Show Luo act [as if it’s not already lively enough!].
 2.    高調愛 Gao Diao Ai (High-Toned love)
-       This is not exactly a slow song because it’s hardly slow. It’s got a nice catchy beat/tempo so I don’t think it qualifies as a ballad. It’s got a sweet melody & nice lyrics that goes fairly well together. Not the usual dance-y song but it’s also not a ballad (well maybe close, but not quite). It’s nice to listen to – mild & easy enough for lounge-music except it won’t cause you to sleep.
 3.    第二順位 Di Er Shun Wei (Second In Place)
-       This is the first real ballad in this bunch. It’s a sweet slow song, what’s rather distinct about this song is the snare drums [yes, you read that right! for real! you’ll really hear snare drums playing] which gave it an unusual ‘flavour’ [if you like!]. It’s a nice song & it’s quite touching.
 4.    搞笑 Gao Xiao (Making Jokes)
-       Contrary to its title, this is actually a slow song with a rather suggestive sad-feel. It kind of reminds me of ‘Hao Peng You’ (fr SPESHOW cd) & 最後的風度 (fr. Show Your Dance). One of those songs that ‘cuts through the heart’ – so to speak.
 5.    潛意識失控 Qian Yi Shi Shi Kong (Subconsciously Out Of Control)-       electric & catchy, with a touch of sexy – words that best describe this song [or at least words that came to mind when I first heard this track]. It’s one of those dance music that takes your breath away, and makes you sigh heartily in the end. Yup, that type of ‘sexy’. Good mix of electric music & synthesizers.
 6.    箇中強手 Ge Zhong Qiang Shou (Hot Shot)
-       This song is the opening theme for the drama “HOT SHOT”, where Show Luo starred. The song (and an ever-suitable MV) has got a mysterious-sexy feel to it that will leave you hooked. It’s a really nice, somewhat provocative, ‘Hot’ track – like it’s taking you in a different dimension!
 7.    幸福不滅 Xing Fu Bu Mie (Cause I Believe)
-       This is another ballad. It’s a sweet love song, none of that sad-feeling as track #4. Just a feel-good love song which is very easy to relate to [or maybe that’s just me…]. In any case, it’s quite touching and it’s really nice.
 8.    潮男正傳 Chao Nan Zheng Zhuan (Trendy Man)
-       This is a really good title song.  It’s fun, it’s cute and it’s sexy. And the song clearly states, ‘I like it, like it like that. yeah!’. Nice MV, with lots of fun costume-change inter-twined with a sexy-hot dance sequence! This is one carrier single that’s, on its own, reason enough not to miss this album. It’s a very likeable track!
 9.    假如你還在這裡 Jia Ru Ni Hai Zai Zhe Li (If You're Still Here)-      a really nice piano intro starts this song. It’s a slow and touching song. And as the title suggests, it’s got that sad-hopeful-feel that in one way or another we [the listening public] got familiar with sometime in our lives.
 10.  拿手 Na Shou Jue Huo (Well-Skilled)
-       This final song is another upbeat dance track. It kind of sounds like an OST song, but I’ve checked & so far it’s not. But it does have that OST-type of feel to it.
  And now for the verdict: keep it or skip it? For me, the album is a definite KEEPER. The songs are slick and stylishly sexy, with a good number of ballads added to the mix. A good balance of high-intensity, energetic dance tracks and heart-warming [sometimes piercing] slow songs. So whether you’re into an all-time high-energy mood or in a laid-back wallow-y mood, you’d definitely find a song in the selection that’s just right for you. But don’t just take my word for it, I say, go find out for yourself! J
~ this music review was created in November 2009 & posted on the Album Reviews Forum of Chinese Music Blog. It was also in my blog, but unfortunately that too had been discontinued..

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Reinventing Your Current Wardrobe

Living on a (tight) budget has allowed me very slim to 0 chance of updating my wardrobe (i.e. shopping). So, what has a girl to do.. Scan my closet and see if there may be some fantastic pieces that I might have overlooked (?) - ok, to be honest I only keep fantastic pieces and here's an impromptu montage:
Note: I don't have red in my wardrobe (sadly), so the red dresses are 
actually taken in (separate) fitting room when I tried them on..
So I'm thinking maybe I should get some reds & perhaps yellow &/or green next time. I realized I have a lot of blue & purple pieces in my closet. And shoes, there's no such thing as having too many shoes, please!
Outfit for the day: A rampa-worthy get-up

Therefore, I really really need to resolve my finances fast! 'Coz this budget-lifestyle is cramping my style!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Reflection: Paving the Way

facade of San Antonio de Padua Church, Silang, Cavite
When I was in highschool, we had this weekly assignment, we are to write a reflection on the Sunday gospel. I guess it was our school's effort to get us go to mass every Sunday and listen to the word of God. And being the good catholic girls that we were (as most of us are!), this actually worked. 

But now, gone are those days of mandatory self-reflection. I'm no longer tied to that assignment anymore. I'm not limited to the Sunday gospel & how it applied in my life. This time, I can write about life in general - the lessons, experiences, memories, and inspirations that came with the journey. My attempts of sounding intellectual but not too serious; attempts of being interesting & candid, try to be as truthful as I can possibly be (not too many filters, hopefully!) - and just express my thoughts freely & have fun. And on that note, let's get this party rolling!

gallery of saints - Don Bosco Parish, Makati

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Having a rather suggestive title for a blog, and with the canonization being the first entry, it's easy to assume my blog might be religion-oriented, spiritual-enlightenment if you will- which I neither confirm nor deny..

But what is it really about?

Well, at the risk of sounding extremely self-centered, it is about ME (duh!) That aside, what's so interesting about me, my life, that's worth blogging about? EVERYTHING, if I should say so! ;)

As the title suggest, REFLECTION - it is literally what or who I see in the mirror. Categorically, how I perceive what I see - positive &/or negative - hopefully, more positive than the latter. In a nutshell, it is coming to terms with my life's greatest critic. In fact, the one that matters the most - my very own self.

So, whether it's going to be religiously inclined, or just plain entertaining (diabolically boring? I sure hope not!), it will be an account of my journey through the fantastic life the good Lord has bless me with! 

<journal: 29 April, 2014>

Monday, April 28, 2014

Saints of Our Time

Today is truly a remarkable day as the Catholic church worldwide celebrates the canonization of two beloved popes of the modern era - St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II. What's even more astounding is having witnessed the actual ceremony on the LIVE feed from the Vatican! (thank God for cable tv)

John Paul II exhibit at Eastwood Mall
My mom, my brother Niño and I went to Eastwood open park to watch and partake in the joyous festivities in honor of the 2 new saints of our time. Yes, I know that we can always watch the event unfold on tv in the comfort of our own home.. but then, we wouldn't have experienced the celebrations & the photo op should we had stayed at home. It was such an experience, I can't seem to come up with smart words to best describe how I felt. So the next best thing is to "paint a thousand words" ~ let the photos tell the story.
this was worn by Pope John XXIII

more relics..

Image of the Holy Mother blessed by
Pope John Paul II

some more relics..

*all photos are taken by yours truly  

Dear Future Husband - One Year Into The New Normal

It has been a while since the last time I published a letter.. I actually had a other written letters before this, but it is only now that I...