Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Dear Future Husband - Intro

Here I am again with yet another creative (spell crazy) idea, this actually occurred to me while in the cab on the way to work this morning. I guess inspirations do come in the oddest of places, some say they get their creative juices flowing while doing their business in the bathroom – so yeah, ideas hit you when it finds you, wherever you may be. Hence, the awkward and lack-luster (if not totally devoid of human affections) letter came to be. I believe I wanted to be spontaneous, but then being spontaneous sometimes goes with “not being well-thought of”. So, I guess it takes some level of courage, and a strong urge to prove that I can be spontaneous, to share this raw piece – which I may tweak a little here and there, as I am admittedly an over-thinker.   

09 January, 2018  
Dear Future Husband,  
      A thought occurred to me this morning as I was on my way to work today. It was a crazy idea, but I thought I'd go with it anyway _And it is to write a letter (journal) as if I am really writing to a real person, and what better way to address it to than to a hopeful (wishful) entity. So, I decided to address it to you 😊 
     I have always wanted to write some sort of a series, like a recurring thought that progresses through time (or not)  It's just [a matter of] finding the right timing (?), or inspiration (?). I have thought of a variety of inspiring ideas here and there but I never really had the time to write them down. No one to share those ideas with, however crazy they seemed. And [Yet] I do believe that those idea would come back to me, I mean, they can't just go away, right? But, I really hope that by doing this, it will help me collect my thoughts and organize it in a way that it would make more sense. 
      Speaking of sense, logically it would be sound to start with an introduction of myself maybe (?). But then I thought I'd like to be spontaneous, and eventually [gradually] reveal a thing or two about me in time. But for now, I'll just have to live with this vague, albeit odd, letter and perhaps write back with more substance next time.
Hope to keep in touch!

- - - end - - -

So, yeah... I can't even bring myself to sign it. I'm torn between "sincerely" or "Love always"... None seemed appropriate 😁 haha...

In any case, here's to starting the year with a cheerful thought! 

~ xoxo 😘 
(future bride)

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