Tuesday, October 20, 2015

On The Wings Of Love ~ #OTWOLToughLove

Fans, myself included, have mixed emotions over the recent turn of events on OTWOL and people are getting rather impatient over this inner turmoil that Leah’s supposed to be going through. I really cannot blame the fans' reaction, clearly this is not the pace that we’ve all grown accustomed to. If you’ve followed the story from day 1, you will very well know that one of its charms is the fact that we don’t have to linger on to a particular conflict for more than 1 week. Sure it may resurface, but it’s easily resolved. 

So, back to Leah hurting because of Nanang’s impropriety. I’m not made of stone, I believe the pain is very much valid! It’s something that Leah & Tiffany will have quite a difficult time to deal with. Mang Sol is not oblivious to the change in mood of both his daughters, and I can feel how much he wanted to reach out and help them, if only he knew how. I especially laud that scene where Mang Sol had the talk with Tiffany, it was so poignant yet it’s something very realistic. And Tiffany, how she tried to hold everything in to protect her father... This is one of those scenes that make me cling to OTWOL, that distinct approach that makes the characters very real and very relatable.

Going back to Leah & Tiffany, I wish they will treat Clark as a confidante in this plight with Nanang. Leah seemed to have forgotten that Clark also had abandonment issues with his father. What’s even worse is that he lost his mother at an early age, which left him to grow up by himself, all alone in a foreign country. So, who else can understand how the sisters might be feeling other than him? 

Remember that conversation in Clark’s apartment, how he pointed to Nanang, “She thought you were dead”, it was clear that Clark was reacting on Leah’s behalf. He’s trying not to interfere, but he was the one who witnessed what Leah went through. He even accompanied her and helped her search for Nanang. This was one of those moments that drew them closer to each other, Clark & Leah. 

Surely, this should hold some significance to Leah, and I hope she remembers and realizes this sooner before she hurts Clark even further by pushing him away. Not that it’s helping, as it’s also hurting Leah in the process. Too much hurt & turmoil, and none of which is directly related to the feelings that Clark & Leah have for each other. Yes, these are factors that affects them a great deal, but as Clark said, he’s there for Leah, “Kung mahihirapan ka, kasama mo akong mahihirapan..” (~ something in that sense). In their trip to Napa Valley, Clark was quick to reassure Leah that he will come back to her with or without the car. He always show how deeply he cares for Leah – which proved more than enough that he’s a lot more than just a cute-face-&-gorgeous-physique.

I see a number of tweets telling Leah to “stop being pabebe”. I personally don’t use the word because I’m not really sure what it means (pa-cute or something associated to being annoying, perhaps?). But I get that general feeling of being frustrated over this “I don’t want to break up your family. I don’t want to be like Nanang” ordeal. It’s rather misguided. I mean, here’s Clark who’s standing up to his relatives, gently but firmly telling Tita Jack to back off as he’s not going to give up Leah that easily. He’s making his family understand that there’s some things they cannot dictate on, and his choice on who to Love is one of such things. Of course, this is not an easy pill for his family to swallow, but I don’t think it’s something that will tear them apart. If Leah is serious about not wanting to be like Nanang, then I believe she should not push Clark away. Nanang left her husband, her family. Who is Leah pushing away? See the analogy?

And,yes, there’s Jigs and his obsession on getting Leah back. Everybody knows that he and Leah are over. That fact was established early on in the story. So, it’s really more of his ego getting hurt, especially when it comes to Clark. He has a perennial beef with Clark. It has been that way since their childhood. Jigs is simply not happy if there’s anything good that’s happening to Clark. See his reaction when Lola Pachang was happily telling them how Clark was helping their furniture business in such a positive way. Case and point. Jigs simply do not want Clark to succeed in anything. Not with Leah, not with their family, not with anything at all. That’s why I like how Tita Jack stood her ground and openly yelled out her frustrations on Jigs. This was long overdue! Enough is enough! Tita Jack do not deserved to be treated ever so badly, especially not by her own son! I wanted to give Tita Jack a hug!!! I wish the story would give Jigs a chance to redeem himself, give his character more texture. Not just the unfortunate, hateful character that he is now. I mean, let’s give the guy some credit, there must be some good in him that made Leah fall in love with him before, right?

And oh, how I feel for Clark! He has already set in his mind that Leah is his wife, she is his family now (this is making me cry!). That’s how OFW’s are. The people you work with, people you share house with, they become your family. And for someone who had been living alone all his life, Clark has finally come to terms with his isolation from people because that’s what he saw in Leah. With Leah, it’s ok to feel alive, “like the sun is shining just a bit brighter”. So, it’s pretty understandable why he doesn’t want to lose that glimmer of hope that he had found in Leah. For him, this was a battle worth fighting for.
Clark to Tita Jack: "...there are some things that we can't control"
Writing this piece leaves me with a tight-chest, as clearly I’ve gotten deeply invested with the characters & the story as a whole. So much for #GoodVibes to send you to sleep.. I do, however, have good hopes that the story will turn back to the light & feel good OTWOL that we all know and love. SOON please! And as always, a million thanks to direk Antoinette Jadaone, direk Jojo Saguin, and Erik John Salut for bringing to life this wonderful story. Direk, PLEASE stop being HARSH! My heart can only take so much! :P 

~ xoxo ~

Photo credit: ABS CBN Channel (of course!), iWantTV ~ and just like the 2 previous blogs, screen shots of my TV & YT

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