Sunday, July 27, 2014


Having a rather suggestive title for a blog, and with the canonization being the first entry, it's easy to assume my blog might be religion-oriented, spiritual-enlightenment if you will- which I neither confirm nor deny..

But what is it really about?

Well, at the risk of sounding extremely self-centered, it is about ME (duh!) That aside, what's so interesting about me, my life, that's worth blogging about? EVERYTHING, if I should say so! ;)

As the title suggest, REFLECTION - it is literally what or who I see in the mirror. Categorically, how I perceive what I see - positive &/or negative - hopefully, more positive than the latter. In a nutshell, it is coming to terms with my life's greatest critic. In fact, the one that matters the most - my very own self.

So, whether it's going to be religiously inclined, or just plain entertaining (diabolically boring? I sure hope not!), it will be an account of my journey through the fantastic life the good Lord has bless me with! 

<journal: 29 April, 2014>

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