Sunday, July 16, 2017

I FInally Found Zen

Finally 'got myself a zenbook! 😍

No More Excuses!

After years of putting it off, and I do mean YEARS!!! 😓 I finally decided to purchase a laptop 😅 It was a rather conscious effort as I go through my usual over-thinking phase, which was why it took me a few years to finally go ahead & buy one. And I must say, it was rather liberating and I’m quite thrilled with my purchase, actually 😊 (yes, I’m aware that it’s a bit dramatic, but hey, nobody’s forcing you to read on!).

So, I got myself a zenbook, which was not my first choice! 😉 I was actually looking for a Thinkpad or maybe Dell Inspiron. I already have the basics specs in mind, so I went through a number of computer stores to search for the “ONE”. The problem with my initial choices were: (1) Thinkpad was almost unavailable in store display. For this particular brand, the usual models on display were IdeaPad. The sales people would suggest to just order 1 – but the problem is, I want to see it first before I commit to place any order. (2) I did saw the elusive Thinkpad on display in one of my search quest, but when I asked for the color of the unit available, I usually get the same or similar reply, black or dark gray – which felt dark & dreary for my taste. So, moving along to my so-called search, I happened to see a working display of a zenbook, and it was just too pretty for me to ignore.

metallic pink key pad!!! 😍
Now, for this particular model, the sales person told me that they’re in fact not selling the laptop, but it was used to feature the software that they were selling. I’m not sure if the photo is clear enough, but it’s color is rose gold, and it was really thin, it has decent enough specs, oh and did I mention it was rose gold? 😁 And of course, with favorable specs & remarkable aesthetics, it sure comes with a rather hefty price - which also translates to way above my budget. In fact, the price was within the macbook price range. 😵 This put me in a bind, I momentarily considered blowing my budget if it means I’d get my hands on this pretty laptop. Fortunately, sound judgement never left me, so with one final (longing) glance at the beautiful piece, I turned away to look for something similar but not too pricey. So, I found myself looking at the next counter and another zenbook model caught my eye. This time, it was also thin & had similar specs as the pretty one, but the price is relatively within my range ~ I had to do away the metallic pink keypad, though. 😞 I asked the trusty sales person what other colors are there for this model, so he went on and mentioned other colors but I only registered “rose gold” – and from that moment on it was decided… I have found the one!

the toy minion is placed to illustrate how thin it actually is 😎

Along with the fascination of having a new computer would be the projects that I promised (myself) to undertake within x period of time...😅TIME being the operative word (hehehe.. of course the undertaking follows! 😅). But seriously though, I need to find a way to effectively manage my time so that I can accomplish things that I wish to do for myself and then some. 😉 I’ve already posted an outline of some of the things that I wish to do, and I should be more proactive in carrying them out to completion (or die trying?) 😜 hehe.. 

💗 ~xoxo~ 💗 

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