Friday, January 12, 2018

Dear Future Husband - Commuter Bride's Tale

The throes of daily commute is a whole different struggle on its own. Stress is just too real and has become inevitable. So, what's a poor bride got to do...

Dear Future Husband,

     It was indeed a stressful start of day for me. It was one of those days when getting a ride to work became extra-extra challenging. It took a quite some time for me to get a ride. I realize it was already getting late as I note the time, but there was very little that I can do. Our street was uncharacteristically not congested that day, which should have been good news IF you’re driving your own car, but for commuters like me, it means NO ride. After what seemed an eternity, I finally got a ride. But in less than 3 minutes, the driver stopped switched the engine off to check on the hood. To cut the long agony short, it’s not fit to run. So, I had no choice but to get my phone & book a car, at the same time hoping to get a cab whichever comes first as I was already getting close to losing my wits. After a few minutes, I was able to book a car. I was delighted and thought “yey! there’s still hope”. I realized, I’ve celebrated too soon. A number of minutes of waiting passed when the good driver decided to cancel on me! Like, seriously!!! Are you freakin’ kidding me??? My allergy rashes were literally flaring up, I realize I haven’t taken my meds yet – which is a whole different story. So anyway, it was already way past the hour of sanity, and I’m still yet to get a stupid ride to work. It’s just really crazy ridiculous. I haven’t even got to the office yet but my stress level was already reaching critical points. It took yet another while before I finally got a cab, as it happened the apps (both apps) failed me on such crucial moments. By the time I got in the office, I had to file for a half day leave already. It was that bad. 

                 It’s days like this that I’m reminded of my long running intent to buy my own car. I had been pushing it back for some reasons now. Bottom line, I still don’t have that strong drive to actually push thru with it. It’s such a big responsibility, I mean not only the financial aspect, but also the maintenance, and not to mention the social factors (I dread the thought of having to deal with traffic crooks &/or entities that threatens to inflict harm to car owners). So yeah, it’s like weighing between necessary evil & lesser evil – and quite frankly it’s sucking the life energy out of me. I realize, these all sound like frustrated rambling – I guess I just need to let it out of my system, to vent a little. 

 Here’s hoping for less stress for the remaining part of the day! 


  future bride 😘
I've always found writing therapeutic (obviously). It's just my penmanship that bothers me, though... 😄 I used to think my handwriting was quite neat & dainty. But as I look at it now, it just looks like a tired "Tita of Manila" stroke 😂😂😂 ~ which I'll let go for now.. I'm done with my crazy thought for the day & will have to face the other crazies next time. Hopefully this practice will not scare my #dearFutureHusband and instead help him to become a reality some time very soon. 😉

~ xoxo 😘~

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Dear Future Husband - Intro

Here I am again with yet another creative (spell crazy) idea, this actually occurred to me while in the cab on the way to work this morning. I guess inspirations do come in the oddest of places, some say they get their creative juices flowing while doing their business in the bathroom – so yeah, ideas hit you when it finds you, wherever you may be. Hence, the awkward and lack-luster (if not totally devoid of human affections) letter came to be. I believe I wanted to be spontaneous, but then being spontaneous sometimes goes with “not being well-thought of”. So, I guess it takes some level of courage, and a strong urge to prove that I can be spontaneous, to share this raw piece – which I may tweak a little here and there, as I am admittedly an over-thinker.   

09 January, 2018  
Dear Future Husband,  
      A thought occurred to me this morning as I was on my way to work today. It was a crazy idea, but I thought I'd go with it anyway _And it is to write a letter (journal) as if I am really writing to a real person, and what better way to address it to than to a hopeful (wishful) entity. So, I decided to address it to you 😊 
     I have always wanted to write some sort of a series, like a recurring thought that progresses through time (or not)  It's just [a matter of] finding the right timing (?), or inspiration (?). I have thought of a variety of inspiring ideas here and there but I never really had the time to write them down. No one to share those ideas with, however crazy they seemed. And [Yet] I do believe that those idea would come back to me, I mean, they can't just go away, right? But, I really hope that by doing this, it will help me collect my thoughts and organize it in a way that it would make more sense. 
      Speaking of sense, logically it would be sound to start with an introduction of myself maybe (?). But then I thought I'd like to be spontaneous, and eventually [gradually] reveal a thing or two about me in time. But for now, I'll just have to live with this vague, albeit odd, letter and perhaps write back with more substance next time.
Hope to keep in touch!

- - - end - - -

So, yeah... I can't even bring myself to sign it. I'm torn between "sincerely" or "Love always"... None seemed appropriate 😁 haha...

In any case, here's to starting the year with a cheerful thought! 

~ xoxo 😘 
(future bride)

Dear Future Husband - One Year Into The New Normal

It has been a while since the last time I published a letter.. I actually had a other written letters before this, but it is only now that I...