Thursday, January 1, 2015

Thanksgiving for 2014

Since it's the first day of the NEW year, I thought of indulging into a NEW entry for my journal.

New Year's Eve fireworks

The year that was 2014... 

Looking back, 2014 was a challenging year for me. I have decided to choose to be happy because I read somewhere that Happiness is a choice. Yet it wasn't easy because the challenges were all there, one in varying degree of difficulty after another, and another, and another still... So, choosing to be happy was a task that I was rather keen to undertake. And with all that I have faced for 2014, I can really say that it's all a matter of perspective.

So, rather than focusing challenges, I am choosing to be thankful for the opportunity that I have been blessed with all year round. 

I am thankful for the transition period from my old job... Although it was not intended to be that way, a transition, I still feel grateful for the journey and the friends that I gained through this experience. I remember feeling trapped in my old job & the frustration and insecurity that went along with it. My short stint as a brand head have been a great help in making me see what I have achieved, what I thought was insignificant and nothing special about what I was doing and stuff, they were brought into a new light. The change in perspective made me appreciate the things I have been working on and the knowledge & skills that i have gained along with it - things that were taken for granted, that I have shoved aside before, were actually the stuff that became part of who I am that I've never taken credit for.

I am also thankful for BCBP, the community that I became part of after my short stint of being a brand head. It was like puzzle pieces, falling into place one by one - just the right timing! Being with the community after leaving my then job has helped me in more ways than I can ever describe. When I left my then job, I was bracing myself for just about any & all consequences that would follow. My biggest concern was my finances, how will I manage to keep my apartment without a job? Suddenly, all my plans were put on hold because I have to find myself a new job & face the fear of unemployment. Yet, I have never felt lost! I am very grateful for the blessing of being part of BCBP. I was surrounded with new friends, a support group system, helping each other rediscover our relationship with God. I had no time to feel lost. I was there to grow in faith. And it was a welcome part of my journey through the mid part of the year.

And as the year approach the 'ber season, I am thankful for being employed in the company that I am working for now. Sure it has a lot of challenges and there are a times when I find myself being subjected to tests of patience, I choose to treat this as an opportunity to push myself and rise above the challenges. It's far from being the perfect job but as mentioned above, it's just a matter of perspective, and for this I am choosing a positive light. And for this chance, I am grateful!

Kapamilya Simbang-gabi - Dec 22 at ABS CBN
I definitely have a lot to be thankful for, and so I thank God for the year 2014!  

Looking forward to more blessings & more opportunity to express gratitude.

Happy New Year!

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