Monday, April 28, 2014

Saints of Our Time

Today is truly a remarkable day as the Catholic church worldwide celebrates the canonization of two beloved popes of the modern era - St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II. What's even more astounding is having witnessed the actual ceremony on the LIVE feed from the Vatican! (thank God for cable tv)

John Paul II exhibit at Eastwood Mall
My mom, my brother Niño and I went to Eastwood open park to watch and partake in the joyous festivities in honor of the 2 new saints of our time. Yes, I know that we can always watch the event unfold on tv in the comfort of our own home.. but then, we wouldn't have experienced the celebrations & the photo op should we had stayed at home. It was such an experience, I can't seem to come up with smart words to best describe how I felt. So the next best thing is to "paint a thousand words" ~ let the photos tell the story.
this was worn by Pope John XXIII

more relics..

Image of the Holy Mother blessed by
Pope John Paul II

some more relics..

*all photos are taken by yours truly  

Dear Future Husband - One Year Into The New Normal

It has been a while since the last time I published a letter.. I actually had a other written letters before this, but it is only now that I...